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2009-11-10 19:48:00|  分类: 译文 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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 夏威夷美丽的浪漫的魅力无穷的海滩 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客夏威夷美丽的浪漫的魅力无穷的海滩 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客夏威夷美丽的浪漫的魅力无穷的海滩 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客


The charm of Hawaii's beach with endless beauty and romantic

Experiences in American (episode 42)---Li Qingye 2009-11-09

 檀香山的 威基基(Waikiki)海滩是世界闻名的最具魅力最美丽的海滩之一,灿烂的阳光,蓝天白云,洁净的沙滩,蔚蓝的海水,高大的椰树,都使这个海滩充满迷人的色彩。它有一英里长(合1.6公里),每天来威基基海滩来的观光客有25000人。

  我觉得不管什么人来到威基基海滩都会找到自己十分喜爱它的理由,你喜欢游泳也罢,喜欢冲浪也罢,喜欢晒太阳也好,喜欢静静地看海也好,威基恐龙湾是檀香山又一处美丽的海滩,它是游泳和浮潜看热带鱼的好去处,游客爱这里,来到这里便流连忘返……基都能满足你……题图远处的山就是闻名世界的死火山钻石山,我发一些照片,你可以一边看照片,一边体味…… 此外还有白沙滩、黑沙滩(大岛,活火山岛)等等美丽的海滩。黑沙滩是火山熔岩碎片形成的,蔚蓝的海水,黑色的沙滩,相映成趣,这里是人们游泳和冲浪的好地方。Besises, there were white beach, black

The Honolulucity'Waikiki beach is one of the most world famous and fascintatical beauty beaches, the brilliant sunshine; the blue clouds; the clean sand; The cerulean sea water, the tall cocos, all of theses make the beach be full of attractive colors. It is about 1 mile(1.6km)long, everyday, almost about 25000 persons came here to give a visite.

I think whoever cames the Waikiki beach,he could find a reson of his like, or like swimming,or like surf, either like suntan, maybe only like lying quietly to look of the sea,  Dinosaur bay was another beauty beach in the Honolulucity, It was the good place for floating dving and seing the tropic fishes, In here you would be no wawt to leave. The Waikiki beach can satisty all of you….
       On the distant mountan on the photo is the world famous dead volcano-the Diamond mountain. I send some potos,please you on one hand looking and on other hand tasting of it….beach( big island; living volcano island)etc.. beatiful beaches.  The black beach was shaped by the chips of the lava, The cerulean sea water, black beach, so interesting each other, there were the best where for swimimg and surfing.

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