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2010-06-13 09:35:15|  分类: 译文 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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A park(Sequel)

Experiences in American (episode 94)---Li Qingye 2010-06-11

一个公园(续)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客

(文文和姥姥在公园里)(WenWen and her granny in the park)


This park we had been at least for two times every day, good enviranment, few peoples, otherways on standing, sitting, walking, runing, slowly, quickly….., people could see the trees quitely, and look for the birds; squrrals; smell the flower fragrances. Because of the time sick I had a doze these days, eyes uneasy, but when in the park, I regained consciousness. I t was happy for Wenwen to the park, in there, she climbed the trees, chesed her gradma on the lawn, seemed not want to home. Some Americans put their sheets on the lawn, and family chated on it; some American women in the Bikinis lay down for the suntan….. The park was also the pace that for Chinese people’s meeting,  like us,the grandparents with their child offten could meet in this park. Peoples chatted, leaved the phone numbers, E-mail box Addresses,each other, and made a visit to the familliers, communicated informations, shch as who will back china,and who will be in the USA, there were always endless things to say.

一个公园(续)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客

  (昨天下午文文和姥姥在草坪上玩耍)(Yesterday agternnon, WenWen plaied on the lawn with her gradma)

一个公园(续)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客 

(蓝天绿地)( The green land under the blue sky)

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