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2010-09-16 14:56:15|  分类: 译文 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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“HaiDai”(Aged Chineses for looking after their grandchildren oversea) life description(sequel)

Experiences in American (episode 151)---Li Qingye 2010-09-15




 Contry people often asked me:"what do you eat in America?", Oh! It is the most important thing for humen beings, this time I recall a detail in novel "fort seige" Fang hongjian, just returned home from abroad, in his family, his mother choiced good dishes to his bowl and said:" I think you have been so miserable ovweseas for 4 years, no good foods to eat!".People joked her that humen abroad didn’t eat, would be starved to death. She said:"I am really not to know how the foreigners to live! Such bread, milk, free send me ,I woud not like to eat ." How pityful the parents hearts are! What Mother Fang said has some reasons but not enough. West people have their delicious feed, some satisfied us, some we are not used to. We are Chinese flavour stomachs. Like the cactus(as vegitable) sold in the supermarket, I really do not dare to eat, even freee give me ,I just not to want it.

  About feed, we yet buy the local materials and make our Chinese taste dishes, do the "pull noodle"; "dumpling";"Baoxhi" with their flour meal. The American, mexican, and Europen supermarkets have  almot normalvegitables, shch as the tomato; bean; pigegg;cauliflower; potato; sweet potato etc…and butcher’s meat; chicken. We usually shop every week once, find the cheaper story to buy and backhome, put them in friger. As want to get the beancurd; soy sauce; mustard, we go to China Town buying in Chinese storys, My daughter buy a soybean –milk maker for us , every day we can drink  our Chinese milk.

“海带”生活散记(续)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客

 (文文和外婆在公园里)(Grandmother and Wenwen in the park)


Back from kindergarten, after dinner home, we lead her to play in the park, there are swings and sliding board etc in the small park, the big park only has a large pitch of lawn, Children run and jump on it, not to fear of falling or pumping .Both these parks have "Haidai", several persons gether and chat ardently. "Haidai's children born in America, some of them can say both in Chinese and English, some of them are in good English and in bad Chinese. Parents hope them both in good Chinese and English.

“海带”生活散记(续)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客

 (小公园的雕塑)(A sculpture in th esmall park)

“海带”生活散记(续)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客

 (大公园的绿地,两个公园离我们住处一般远,走三分钟就到了)(Lawn in the big park, these two parks are the same distent to our home, it is about 3minute walking way)


There are many free parks in Chicago, in weekend days, we will take Wenwen to some bigger parks, and sometimes, Wenwen with her mama go to the Navy wharf's Child museum for half day.

“海带”生活散记(续)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客


       In Chicago, we don't wash clothes by hands, in basement there is a row of auto washing  and drying machines, 0.75$ per barrel,  put into three 0.25 coins, washing machine runs, also 0.75$ for drying of barrel clothes, place clothes in and take them out just at the time they draid.


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