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2010-10-25 12:27:38|  分类: 译文 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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  美国见闻之一八三 :芝加哥的万圣节—李钦业2010-10-25

Chicagos Hallowmas

Experiences in American (episode 183)---Li Qingye 2010-10-25

芝加哥的万圣节—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续四)—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续三)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客


On Oct 24 th afternoon, the Hallowmas activity started in our resident community! Children led by their parents, brought the pumpkin lanterns, went into family and families to ask for candies. Some people and children masked the gosters, some were dressed up like animals, let people feel fancy. Our drandaughter Wenwen, yet enjoied the action, she brought a pumpkin lantern, for a while, got many sweets. I followed the candy wanted troop, ran up and down, to capture those pictures, and made a amused Hallowmas.

芝加哥的万圣节—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续四)—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续三)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客 

芝加哥的万圣节—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续四)—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续三)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客 

芝加哥的万圣节—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续四)—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续三)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客

芝加哥的万圣节—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续四)—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续三)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客



美国见闻之一八二 :芝加哥随拍(续四)—李钦业2010-10-25

Take offhand photos of Chicago city aspects (sequel4)

Experiences in American (episode 181)---Li Qingye 2010-10-25

芝加哥的万圣节—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续四)—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续三)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客

     万圣节前,这家门上楼梯上摆放的南瓜成了小松鼠的美食。 Before the Hallowmas, on this  family door stair some pumpkins are good food for the little squirrel.

芝加哥的万圣节—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续四)—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续三)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客

                一座漂亮的三层小洋楼,阳台上都是花。A beatiful three floor house, full of flowers on the balcony.


 In this courtyard, some of the leaves are yellow, red, falling, yet some leaves begain to be yellow and red......



Take offhand photos of Chicago city aspects (sequel3)

Experiences in American (episode 181)---Li Qingye 2010-10-22

芝加哥的万圣节—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续四)—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续三)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客


A night glimpse view at Chicago: The tallest building is the first high building "Sears  Tower", there is a glass in its 103 th floor, visiters can overlook Chicago in the sky 400m above ground, and get a marvelous feeling, I had wrien a journal "Ascend the Sears Tower. Experiences in American (episode 15)---Li Qingye 2009-08-26". This photo was captured at the large lawn in the east campus of UIC.

芝加哥的万圣节—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续四)—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续三)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客


At 8;00am, the tables and chairs are put to the side street, this eatery, waiting for customers. Lumps are hunged on the trees, at night business is very good.

芝加哥的万圣节—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续四)—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续三)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客

          希尔斯大楼对面的草坪。Lawn opposite of the Sears  Tower.

芝加哥的万圣节—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续四)—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续三)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客

             芝加哥的一个教堂。One of the Chicago churches.

芝加哥的万圣节—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续四)—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续三)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客

     我从城市火车上拍的芝加哥河,多座桥梁架在河上。要是在大楼上或在直升机上来拍,那就更好了。The Chicago river with several bridges over, I shut them on the city rail train, If shot from the high buildings or on a helicopter, it will be much wonderful..

芝加哥的万圣节—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续四)—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续三)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客

             一个住宅区的秋景,中间那两棵树结满了小红果。 A  residential quarters autumn sight , middle trees are full of small red fruits.     

芝加哥的万圣节—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续四)—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续三)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客

           夜,皎洁的月光照着大地,街道静悄悄地。Night, virgin moon lights the land, streets are quietly.

芝加哥的万圣节—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续四)—李钦业芝加哥随拍(续三)—李钦业 - z.qxue - z.qxue的博客

     秋菊,芝加哥很多人家都喜欢在家门前摆上菊花Autumn chrysanthemums, in Chicago many familes like to put the chrysanthemumson on their door front.



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